The Curse of the hyperealistc Boneless chicken

ONE DAY!!! I wanted to play Super joey brothers for the joeyes, but my mom said no. So I threw some fresh finger licken good KFC Chicken at her face. That caused her to be transported to a alien planet, with aliens that looked like chris pratt. I shrugged and said "Whatever" in a edgy way. I then went on my laptop and found the game on ebay for 69 dollars. I thought "ZOMG THIS IS TO MUCH!!!!!!111" but I bought the game anyway, It arrived in 5.0198269696969696 seconds. I took it out and it said on the cover "super joey brothers 666" that spooped me and I died. But due to trollpasta beans. I came back to life1111. I put the game in my toaster and turned on. it started with thea normal line of joey saying "BONELESS CHICKEN!!!!" but it sounded like it was said by a 2 year old with darihea. It then showed the menu, but something was off111. first off, the sky was pitch WHITE111!!!!! with 10,000,000,000,0,0,0,0,0 rednecks in the sky. That scared me so I then had projectile vomit, and accedintly shot my screen, I said "OH NOES1111!!!!". I then tried to lick the vomit off my screen to nothing. but then the game reset, causing the vomit to dissaper. The menu was normal again. Joey strangely looked thinner then usellay!!!!. It almost looked like he was on a diet of bugs. I then pressed new game, for a split second it showed a image of a HYPEREALISTC FACE OF JOEY PUKING. That cared me so I took a crap on my desk. The game then started on world 1-666. But then before the game could start, a HYPEREALISTC BONELESS CHICKEN FROM KFC JUMPED OUT THE SCREEN AND STARTED TO STRANGLE ME111!!!. "omg get off of me, your to finger licken good" I said the throwing the beast back. I then said to myself "maybe thats enough joeyes for today". I then shot myself. the end.